High-quality asphalt! State-of-the-art machinery!

Asphalt in Beloeil

For solid and durable asphalt paving, deal with experienced professionals.

For asphalt paving services in Beloeil and the surrounding cities, contact the RZR ASPHALTE team, which has over 15 years of experience in road paving, parking lots, and driveway excavation and paving. Our asphalt company also offers asphalt surface repairs, partial reconstruction, expansion, and resurfacing.

In addition to our asphalt paving work, our team can handle landscaping and the construction of interlocking paver paths and concrete sidewalks. We repair municipal and commercial drainage basins used for rainwater runoff by excavating to level the base. We can also add or remove a catch basin.

Asphalt Beloeil
Asphalt Beloeil

Asphalt repair and resurfacing

Our specialized asphalt company performs asphalt repairs on roads, parking lots, and driveways. We repair cracks over ¾ of an inch, depressions, holes, and potholes. We can also provide a sealant application.

If your asphalt does not have significant cracks and potholes, we can perform resurfacing, which involves applying a new 2½-inch layer of asphalt to renew and solidify the surface.

If a portion of a road, parking lot, or driveway needs to be redone in asphalt, our team will cut the existing asphalt and excavate to add crushed stones. We then compact these stones to create a solid base before paving with hot asphalt.

Commercial and residential parking lots

RZR ASPHALTE handles the construction, refurbishment, expansion, and repair of asphalt parking lots. These may include shopping center parking lots, commercial establishments, hospitals, schools, office buildings, factories, and more. We also construct parking lots for multi-unit buildings.

Our asphalt company has high-performance machinery for excavation, tree and large rock removal, compacting crushed stone as a base, as well as paving and leveling. We can even replace the soil if it is clayey.

Our team can also carry out concrete sidewalk paving, interlocking paver pedestrian walkway construction, and turf installation.

Asphalt Beloeil

Contact Us

Asphalt Beloeil

To have your asphalt paving work done in Beloeil or any city in the region, contact a general contractor with over 15 years of experience! You can reach RZR ASPHALTE by calling (514) 226-4761 or by sending us an email at info@rzrasphalte.ca We will provide you with a free quote.

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