High-quality asphalt! State-of-the-art machinery!

Paving in Mont-Saint-Hilaire

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For paving services in Mont-Saint-Hilaire, work with RZR ASPHALTE. The owner of the company holds a license from the Régie du bâtiment (license number 5801-8466-01) and is a member of the Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation. Additionally, during our regional road paving work, we comply with the technical standards of the Ministère des Transports.

Our company has been in business for nearly 25 years. We offer paving services in residential, commercial, industrial, municipal, or government settings (regional roads). We have all the necessary equipment and machinery to handle the largest projects.

Paving Mont-Saint-Hilaire
Paving Mont-Saint-Hilaire

Our paving services

RZR ASPHALTE performs the paving (asphalting) of private driveways, parking lots, and roads. We also pave lodge or cottage roads in the forest. We do the clearing and stump removal as needed. We transport the debris to a dedicated center. If necessary, we can simply perform the asphalting.

For commercial or residential parking lots (driveways), we offer turnkey paving services. We can also create sidewalks, pool surrounds, retaining walls, or a path with paving stones. After our work, we can also lay sod and plant shrubs. On the sides of the roads we have just paved, our team can add, upon request, crushed rocks and hydroseeded topsoil to prevent slope erosion.

Asphalt repair

Our paving company also performs asphalt repair and resurfacing. We can repair only problematic areas or redo a large part of your road, driveway, or parking lot. We can also completely remove the old asphalt and redo the entire paving. We also repair residential or commercial catch basins by pouring asphalt to solidify their base.

Steps of our paving work

For all our paving work, our experienced team first performs excavation to remove the clay soil, which we replace with soil that will be stable once compacted. We then place a geotextile membrane over the entire surface to be asphalted, which will separate the materials and hold the layer of crushed stones in place.

We spread these crushed stones, which we then compact with our efficient machinery. The asphalting is then performed, and we level everything for an impeccable result. A slight slope is left for rainwater drainage, whether on a driveway, parking lot, or road.

Paving Mont-Saint-Hilaire

Contact our paving company!

Paving Greenfield Park

Contact RZR ASPHALTE at (514) 226-4761 or email us at info@rzrasphalte.ca to explain your project. We will provide you with a free quote for your paving work in Mont-Saint-Hilaire.

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